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First Phase Of AFT Identity Is Launched

American Federation Of Teachers

April 21, 2003
The first two components, identity and correspondence, were launched today at the AFT through a party for all of staff.
GeekPAK has worked closely with the national office of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) since Fall 2002 in order to develop identity guidelines. Based on research and information gathering, the guidelines were broken into five categories: identity (i.e., logo use), correspondence, design, meetings, and give–a–ways.

The first two components, identity and correspondence, were launched today at the AFT through a party for all of staff.

Prior to the launch date, GeekPAK wrote the guidelines, designed the custom binders and slipcase, formatted the physical version, and designed an electronic version for the AFT intranet and CD–ROM; created the necessary correspondence Word templates and identity logo files; and integrated the AFT mission statement and identity into the office space.

For the week following the launch party, GeekPAK will train the entire staff on the guidelines.

The last phase of the AFT identity guidelines will include the last three sections: design, meetings, and give–a–ways. It will be completed in July 2003.
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